Saturday, June 5, 2010

Chess Pieces in the Game of Life

I love that God calls broken people, with limited abilities, with some degree of capabilities to do great, enormous, and extraordinary things to fulfill His purpose and plan. I believe the call of God on the life of an individual is the most serious summons one can receive. You see, I suppose there are others waiting for someone else to answer and fulfill their call whether it be an assignment, function, or ministry so they can move forward in the succession of events, or the next move of God in their life.

I was brought up in the church in the late 70's and the "Old School" teaching at that time was that God always calls an individual to Himself before He gives them an assignment. If this theory is true and I question its validity. What about those people that are used by God to fulfilled specific assingments without realizing they are being used by God?

Whats your thoughts?